Been a while since I updated what was going on.
There is a new spare wheel well in the boot and Today I relocated car in shed so I could better work on the front.
Like the rear a solid object had bumped the front when little Minx was living a neglected previous life.
I straightened the bumper and left it the way it was.
Now I need to reshape the opening and fit the new grille that Christine so kindly provided.
An easier task than straightening the bent original.
Some starting point pictures:
It seems that little Minx encountered a post or tree at some stage. This bent the bumper back and reshaped the grille and surrounding area. As I mentioned previously I pulled the bumper straight, but left the ding in the grille as it would not prevent me getting a roadworthy and registering it for use,
I will apply some pull tp the bent parts, and coax them around slightly to resume their original shape.
It may need a little heat at the buckle points as well.